There's more on my flickr site.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wollemi Pine: another tree to watch

Thought to be extinct, the Wollemi Pine was found in Australia a few years ago. Searching the internet in the middle of the night we found we could buy one and look after it here in England, so we bought this expensive tree. If you expect a birthday present soon, it will probably be a share in this tree and the possibility of watching it grow over the next forty years…. More pics on flickr.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Back in the library

Back in the library
Originally uploaded by litrate.

Due back on twelfth night, the tree is now safely back where it belongs

Christmas tree as christmas tree

Christmas tree as christmas tree
Originally uploaded by litrate.

Checked out of the library the tree had two weeks of parties, noise and dressing up.