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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Stray shopping carts

Someone had photos of a shopping cart or two. (I think it was one of those literacies bloggers but can't find it this minute.) I immediately reached for my current book of the month, The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification.
To summarise the Amazon review: Despite the ubiquity of stray shopping carts, little effort has been made to comprehend the complex relationship between cart and landscape. This is, in no small part, due to the fact that we have until now lacked a formalised language to describe these wayward carts in systematic detail. The five sections explain all you'll need to know to about classifying carts, firstly into Class A: False Strays, Types 1-11 and, secondly, Class B: True Strays, Types 1-22. Each type gets a page with an excellent photo and details about what to look for. A section entitled Selected Specimens, has more than three hundred graphic photos of carts in the environment categorized by class and type. You need this book.

Time flies and no blogging.

My one known blog reader friend has pointed out I haven't posted for a while, and I realise that if I don't hurry up I won't have an April posting in my back issues. What with Flickr n Skype to deal with, life gets so busy, but watch this space!